Welcome to beepbeep designs! This is the home page for all the fun and crafty things I do online.

You can read my blog to find out about all the things I'm making, doing and selling. You can find me on Facebook or Twitter to make sure you're up to date. Or you can take a look at all my patterns on Ravelry.

I have two shops to sell the things I make.

My Etsy shop sells hand-knitted miniatures for the dolls house in 1:12th scale (also called one inch scale). As well as your dollhouse, these are also suitable for smaller ball-jointed dolls (bjd) such as Lati Yellow and Pukifee, and six-inch dolls like Pippa.

My Folksy shop sells all kinds of fun things, mainly made from crochet and felt. I have bookmarks, keyrings, brooches, bowls and ACEOs, all in fun and pretty colours.